IIUG 2013 CALL FOR SPEAKERS, DE 21 A 25 DE ABRIL, 2013 San Diego, California.

A mais tradicional Conferência Informix continuará na Costa Oeste!


Veja aqui uma lista dos principais Redbooks IBM já escritos sobre Informix.

Novo software da IBM auxilia clientes a adotar a Computação em Nuvem

Computação em Nuvem: reinventando TI?.


A caixa da IBM mostrou-se mais robusta com simplicidade operacional, performance e ROI. Veja o video!


Funcionando como um add-on o IWA aumenta a performance de soluções de business intelligence em até 100x.

quinta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2012

Fix list for Informix 11.70.xC6 *** LIBERADO!

Neste mês de Outubro, foi liberada a versão 11.70.xC6 do Informix. Eis o fix list:

- TITLE: Fix list for Informix 11.70.xC6
- URL: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27036092&myns=swgimgmt&mynp=OCSSGU8G&mync=E

- ABSTRACT: Informix provides periodic fixes for release 11.70.  The following list is the most recent report of fixes for customer-reported defects in Version 11.70.xC6.  This report combines both Windows- and UNIX-specific defect fixes.

Dando uma olhada no Release Notes, percebi na sessão de New Features, que mesmo a IBM
afirmando que só lançaria novas funcionalidades na 12.x, temos algumas poucas novidades:

[ ]'s

quarta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2012

*** Artigo sobre o IWA na Datamag ***

Foi publicado na IBM Data Management deste mês um artigo sobre o IWA (Informix Warehouse Accelerator).

IBM Informix Warehouse Accelerator (IWA) delivers superior performance for in-memory analytics processing:


Tem também um artigo sobre os testes de performance do IWA:

Boa leitura!

*** NOVO - System Administration Certification (exam 919) for Informix 11.70 preparation series

depois das partes 3, 4 e 5, mais dois artigos preparatórios para o exame 919 da certificação de System Administrator para Informix 11.70 foram publicados:

System Administration Certification exam 919 for Informix 11.70 prep, Part 2: Informix space management

System Administration Certification exam 919 for Informix 11.70 prep, Part 8: Security

Abraços e boa sorte!

terça-feira, 16 de outubro de 2012

@@@ Informix Chat with the Labs

Recebi o convite para participar do Chat with the Labs agora neste mês de Outubro:

- TITLE: Helping Us Help You: Informix Chat with the Labs, October 2012
- URL: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21614254&myns=swgimgmt&mynp=OCSSHPYE&mynp=OCSSGU8G&mync=E
- ABSTRACT: Come join Informix Support professionals discussing and demostrating ways you can help technical support diagnose and debug problems using 'Must Gather' or "Collecting data' documents, or product features.

O evento é dia 30/10 e a participação livre, basta cadastrar-se.

Apresentado por:
Jerry Keesee - Director, IBM Informix Database Development (IBM)
Sanjit Chakraborty -Support Engineer (IBM)
Ronald Privett - Support Engineer (IBM)

[ ]'s

segunda-feira, 8 de outubro de 2012

*** NOVO Redbook de DB2 HADR ***

A IBM acaba de publicar (em draft ainda) um novo Redbook de DB2 para o sistema de cluster e contingencia, baseado originalmente no código do HDR do Informix.

High Availability and Disaster Recovery Options 
for DB2 Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Revised: October 1, 2012
More details are available at 


quinta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2012

Technote de Archecker ::: CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to initialize resources

Depois de algum tempo alocado no cliente, finalmente consegui terminar e pedir aprovação e publicação deste Technote. Ainda faltam 8...rs!

Escrevi o artigo baseado no atendimento a um cliente, em Agosto passado (2012).
Depois de muito pesquisar nas bases de conhecimento IBM, cheguei à conclusão de que ainda estamos bem carentes de material do Archecker. Neste caso o cliente não conseguia restaurar e então validar uma imagem de backup.

Não sei se o link já está disponivel na internet, então ae vai o conteúdo:

Technote (troubleshooting)


When using Archecker to validate an IBM® Informix® archive backup image, the following error message: "Unable to initialize resources" is raised. This article describes the common causes and solutions for this error.


Starting the archive backup validation process leads to the following output:
$ archecker -tvs
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.50.FC9
Program Name:   archecker
Version:        8.0
Released:       2011-07-25 22:02:01
CSDK:           IBM Informix CSDK Version 3.50
ESQL:           IBM Informix-ESQL Version 3.50.FC4
Compiled:       07/25/11 22:02  on Linux 2.6.9-34.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Feb 24 16:56:28 EST 2006

AC_STORAGE               /arc_ifmx
AC_MSGPATH               /tmp/ac_msg.log
AC_VERBOSE               on
AC_TAPEDEV               /informix/bkpdata/
AC_TAPEBLOCK             32 KB
AC_LTAPEDEV              /informix/bkplogs/
AC_LTAPEBLOCK            32 KB
AC_TIMEOUT               300
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to initialize resources.


The path /arc_ifmx set in the AC_STORAGE ac_config file has no proper permissions set so user Informix can read/write Archecker temporary files.

Diagnosing the problem

The ac_msg.log file provides more details about the cause of the problem. Most of the times the following error can be found:

ERROR: Error(2) Unable to create directory /arc_ifmx/SAVE

ERROR: Unable to initialize the save page section.
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to initialize resources.

STATUS: archecker completed Setup pid = 17911 exit code: 3

Depending on the kind of syntax error, the following message may also be found in the ac_msg.log:

ERROR: Error(13) Invalid filename /tmp/SAVE/TP.0_1

ERROR: Failed to save page(0_1) in /tmp/SAVE/TP.0_1
ERROR: Unable to init for restart feature.
ERROR: Unable to initialize the restartable restore
ERROR: Device type not set properly
ERROR: No device driver selected.
ERROR: Archive Physical Validation Failed.

The AC_STORAGE ac_config variable path do not have proper permissions:

drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root      4096 Aug 24 08:18 arc_ifmx

Or even, when trying to use archecker '-d' flag to clean old temporary directories CHUNK_BM, INFO and SAVE with wrong permissions:

dr--r----- 2 root     informix    4096 Aug 17 14:44 CHUNK_BM
dr--r----- 2 root     informix    4096 Aug 24 08:11 INFO
dr--r----- 2 root     informix   20480 Aug 24 08:11 SAVE

Resolving the problem

Fix the AC_STORAGE path permissions properly.


1. Add Read/Write/Execution permissions to others in the AC_STORAGE destination path directory:

$ chmod o+rwx arc_ifmx


$ chmod 777 arc_ifmx

2. Permissions should look like this:

$ ls -ltr
drw-rw-rwx   5 root     root      4096 Sep 26 08:03 arc_ifmx

Críticas são bem-vindas.
Abraços pessoal.

quinta-feira, 5 de julho de 2012

Novo Technote de HPL finalmente publicado!!!!

a versao final do technote que estava escrevendo sobre processos de migracao utilizando o HPL como ferramenta de carga e descarga (http://the-information-x.blogspot.com.br/2012/04/novo-artigo-technotedevworks-sobre.html), ficou pronta, foi aprovada e publicada, veja no link abaixo:

Setting up High-Performance Loader (HPL) in the Informix command line.

Technote (FAQ)


How do I set up the High-Performance Loader (HPL) Informix utility?


Informix DBAs and System Administrators usually find HPL a little bit tricky, due to its own shared memory management engine and specific command line instructions to handle the load and unload jobs control.
This document gathers a compilation of useful links and ease-of-use instructions to quickly set HPL ready to run.


Eventually, some may find the GUI option the best path, but this document intends to prepare the reader to set HPL in just a few steps, thru the command line interface.

1. First of all, you should choose a table to create the HPL job (and the onpload database):

  $ onpladm create job j_items -d "items.unl" -D stores -t items

   Successfully created Job j_items

    As soon as the first job is created, the onpload database is created too, if is doens't exist already.
    If it does exist, you should rename it so it won't cause any trouble.

2. To execute the j_items job as an unload job, just issue the command below, using the -fu flag:

   $ onpload -j j_items -fu -l items.log -i 100000 -R $PWD/a


3. To use the same job as a load job, just issue the command below, changing the -fu flag by the -fl flag:

   $ onpload -j j_items -fl -l items.log -i 100000 -R $PWD/a

4. Obviously, no one would use HPL facility to unload/load a single table. The sections bellow show some SQL queries to generate the onpload commands for each table. You can use the DBAccess utility to execute these commands.

Don't forget to change the <dbname> variable for your database name, i.e.: stores_demo.
    select tabname from systables where tabid > 99 and tabtype = "T" into temp a;
    output to hpl_create_job.sh without headings
    select "onpladm create job job_"||trim(tabname)||" -d '/tmp/"||trim(tabname)||".unl' -D <dbname> -t "||trim(tabname) from a    
    select tabname from systables where tabid > 99 and tabtype = "T" into temp a;
    output to hpl_create_job_delux.sh without headings
    select "onpladm create job job_"||trim(tabname)||" -d '/tmp/"||trim(tabname)||".unl' -D <dbname> -t "||trim(tabname)||" -fc" from a    

For all the tables that has BLOB columns only Deluxe Mode can be used.

5. When all the shell scripts are done, you can clean them up, avoiding line feeds and weird characters which may cause a failure at execution time.

Follows attached, two scripts that might be used as cleaning tools:
    a. Use this tool to remove line feeds, name it join.sh:
      s/\\\n/ /
      b join

    b. Use this tool to remove blank lines, name it del_blank.sh:
      sed '/^$/d' $1
      Here's an example on its use:

      cat hpl_load_job.sh | sed -f join.sh > zz
      sh del_blank.sh zz > zzz
      mv zzz hpl_create_job.sh

And the final hpl_create_job.sh script is clean.

4. One important notice that should be taken care of is the following HPL environment variables:
  Criticas e sugestoes sao aceitas (e rating positivo tambem...rs!!)
Espero que gostem.

Fernando [FFO]

sexta-feira, 18 de maio de 2012

ATENÇÃO!!! Informix 11.10 End-Of-Suport on September 30,2012 !!!

atenção para a data de encerramento do suporte IBM para a versão 11.10 do Informix:


Informix 11.10 enters End of Support status starting September 30, 2012


The end of support date for Informix 11.10 products is rapidly approaching. Effective September 30, 2012, IBM will withdraw support from the Informix 11.10 product releases. 

E o link para o upgrade para a última versão disponível: 11.70



quarta-feira, 2 de maio de 2012

NEW! Best practices and technical papers to help customers learn about and use DB2 V10 features

a equipe da IBM do Canadá nos enviou uma série de novos documentos para compartilhar com os clientes sobre as features do DB2 10:

Best practices: Storage optimization with deep compression (Authors: Thomas Fanghaenel and Bill Minor)

Best practices: A practical guide to implementing row and column access control (Author: Walid Rjaibi)

Best Practices: Temporal data management with DB2 (Author: Matthias Nicola)

DB2 V10.1 Multi-temperature data management recommendations (Authors: Jim Seeger, Karen McCulloch, Naresh Chainani, Kiran Chinta, Aruna De Silva, Vincent Kulandai Samy, and Tom Hart)

DB2 V10.1 Query performance enhancements (Author: David Sky)

Boa leitura!

segunda-feira, 9 de abril de 2012

IBM vende familia U2 (UniVerse & UniData) para a Rocket Software Inc.

a noticia parece desatualizada, mas acreditem: muitos clientes ainda me perguntam sobre a familia U2.
Sendo assim, estou postando apenas para constar: U2 foi vendido para a Rocket em 1 de Outubro de 2009.

Ao tentar suporte pelo Support Central Site ou acessar a homepage do U2 na www-01, você já é direcionado para o site da Rocket e uma mensagem alerta:

Notice: You are now leaving the IBM Web site, and connecting to the Rocket Software, Inc. site. Rocket acquired the IBM UniVerse and UniData (U2) product line on October 1, 2009. All future information regarding the U2 products will be available from Rocket. Please refer to the Rocket website www.rocketsoftware.com/u2/.

Para quem não sabe o U2 (uma alusão aos nomes dos dois produtos: UniVerse e UniData) foi o resultado da fusão em 1997 entre a VMark (dona do UniVerse) e a UniData que resultou na então Ardent Software, uma compania com tecnologia focada no emergente mercado de ferramentas ETL. Em 2000, a Ardent foi adquirida pela Informix, e o U2 passou a fazer parte da divisão de banco de dados da empresa. Mais tarde, em Abril de 2001, com a compra da divisão de banco de dados da Informix pela IBM, uma nova empresa surgia com os produtos restantes da fusão de 1997: a Ascential Software, que em Abril de 2005 finalmente seria comprada pela IBM para incorporar a familia InfoSphere.

Noticias na mídia:
IBM to Sell U2 Database Business to Rocket Software

IBM Sells U2 to Rocket Software

Rocket Software acquires U2

IBM Sells U2 Product to Rocket Software

Oracle Taps HyperRoll, IBM Sells U2 Databases

Rocket U2


Novas features do DB2 10

eis algumas das principais características do novo DB2 10, possívelmente sobre as quais falaremos nos futuros posts do blog:

    * Adaptive Compression - os recursos e algoritmos de compactação já entregues nas versões 9.1, 9.5 e 9.7 foram aprimorados e onde antes tinhamos compressão de tabelas em torno de 7x agora a versão 10 promete a compressão na casa de 10x para suas maiores tabelas;
    * Time Travel Query - recurso que mantêm versões históricas das linhas da tabela para que você possa consultar de qualquer tempo no passado. Com as chamadas "tabelas temporais" você pode até consultar dados que só serão válidos no futuro. Um grande aumento na produtividade para clientes que necessitam de versões de dados sem ter que construir toda uma lógica através de scripts em suas próprias aplicações e batch jobs;
    * Recursos de segurança - controle de acesso e suporte multiusuário a nível de linha e coluna, simplifica o acesso aos dados e mascara dados reais de produção de usuários que não devem acessar valores das colunas;
    * Novas features focadas em performance de bases warehouse - novos tipos de join, novos tipos de acessos a índices, paralelismo melhorado, e muito mais. Melhor desempenho em jobs de carga em bases warehouse;
    * Multi Temperature data management - criação de storage groups e migração de dados com base em políticas de negócios para gerenciar de  forma mais eficaz os custos de armazenamento e expectativas de desempenho de seus usuários finais;
    * Gerenciamento de carga aprimorada, não só para gerenciar as cargas de trabalho com base em quem está acessando os dados, mas também que tipo de dados estão sendo acessados. Dados mais acessados podem ter maior prioridade e uma fatia maior de recursos de sistema, se necessário;
    * Alta velocidade de carga contínua de dados é um fator crítico de sucesso para bases warehouse e o DB2 10 oferece mais recursos nesta área;

Video que mostra o depoimento de um dos maiores clientes da IBM: ouça o que a Coca-Cola Bottling tem a dizer sobre o dinheiro que já economizou e os ganhos de desempenho que eles tiveram mudando para o DB2.


Fonte: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/data/library/techarticle/dm-1204whatsnewdb210/index.html?ca=drs-


quarta-feira, 4 de abril de 2012


a IBM lançou finalmente a versão oficial do DB2 10. Veja a cobertura (em inglês) na IBM Data Management Magazine:


Vou postar (assim que tiver tempo) novidades sobre a versão nova.
 [ ]'s

segunda-feira, 2 de abril de 2012

Novo artigo (Technote/DevWorks) sobre migrações usando HPL.

conforme havia prometido, material técnico sobre HPL, e que esta em revisão para virar um Technote, ou
se tudo der certo um artigo na DeveloperWorks Area. Esse material é um apanhado de experiências pessoais minhas em migrações de clientes. Agradeço o apoio nas informações enviadas pelo Carlos Eduardo Boccio e Dirceu Tirado, ambos especialistas Informix da Porto Seguro.

O material é rico em detalhes, e focado em ambientes grandes, que se beneficiam do poder de processamento do HPL.

Easely setting up High-Performance Loader (aka HPL) in the command line.

Technote (FAQ)


How to set the High-Performance Loader utility.


Users (Informix DBAs and System Administrators) usually intend to find HPL a little bit tricky, due to its own shared memory management engine and specific command line instructions to handle the load and unload jobs control.
This document gathers a compilation of useful links and ease-of-use instructions to quickly set HPL ready to run.


Eventually, some may find the GUI option the best path, but this document intends to prepare the reader to set HPL in just a few steps, thru the command line interface.

1. First of all, you should choose a table to create the HPL job (and the onpload database):

  $ onpladm create job j_items -d "items.unl" -D stores -t items

   Successfully created Job j_items

    where: As soon as the first job is created, the onpload database is created too, if it doesn't exist already. If it does exist, you should rename it so it won't cause any trouble.

2. To execute the j_items job as an unload job, just issue the command below, using the -fu flag:

   $ onpload -j j_items -fu -l items.log -i 100000 -R $PWD/a

3. To use the same job as a load job, just issue the command below, changing the -fu flag by the -fl flag:

   $ onpload -j j_items -fl -l items.log -i 100000 -R $PWD/a

Obviously, no one would use HPL facility to unload/load a single table. The sections bellow show some SQL queries to generate the onpload commands for each table. You can use the DBAccess utility to execute these commands.

Don't forget to change the <dbname> variable for your database name, i.e.: stores_demo.
    select tabname from systables where tabid > 99 and tabtype = "T" into temp a; output to hpl_create_job.sh without headings select "onpladm create job job_"||trim(tabname)||" -d '/tmp/"||trim(tabname)||".unl' -D <dbname> -t "||trim(tabname) from a    
    select tabname from systables where tabid > 99 and tabtype = "T" into temp a; output to hpl_create_job_delux.sh without headings select "onpladm create job job_"||trim(tabname)||" -d '/tmp/"||trim(tabname)||".unl' -D <dbname> -t "||trim(tabname)||" -fc" from a    

For all the tables that has BLOB columns only Deluxe Mode can be used.

When all the shell scripts are done, you can clean them up, avoiding line feeds and weird characters which may cause a failure at execution time.

Follows attached, two scripts that might be used as cleaning tools:

a. Use this tool to remove line feeds, name it join.sh:

s/\\\n/ /
b join

b. Use this tool to remove blank lines, name it del_blank.sh:

sed '/^$/d' $1

Here's an example on its use:

cat hpl_load_job.sh | sed -f join.sh > zz
sh del_blank.sh zz > zzz
mv zzz hpl_create_job.sh

And the final hpl_create_job.sh script is clean.

Related information

John Carlson's document on HPL usage
Environment variables needed for HPL proper execution
HPL tuning tips
Appendix B link. High-Performance Loader configuration 

Vou corrigindo o conteúdo antes da publicação oficial.

IBM Cloud Computing Social Media Residency, TI-2003-R01

nova residencia em Raleigh/Carolina do Norte, para Smart Cloud Computing:

[ ]'s

domingo, 1 de abril de 2012

História e Curiosidades - Informix no Computer History Museum ***NOVO

Esta postagem contêm uma coletânea de documentos e reportagens sobre a antiga Informix, registradas pelo Computer History Museum. O material foi preparado por Luanne Johnson.


Alguns documentos são históricos como a carta de Roger Sippl solicitando à equipe de documentação para corrigir o Informix Handbook, doada por ele mesmo ao museu e datada dos primordios do ano 2000.

Para quem interessar ainda, segue a entrevista de Roger dada à própria Luanne Johnson entre 13 de Dezembro de 2005 e 12 de Janeiro de 2006 em Mountain View, California. Na entrevista Roger responde perguntas sobre sua saida da Cromenco onde liderou o projeto do CRIS (Cromemco Relational Information System) posteriormente evoluindo para o Marathon (genesis do Informix) e o licenciamento do produto já em sua nova e pequena empresa, a Relational Database Systems ou simplesmente RDS Inc.


Vou adicionar depois este post ao link de História e Curiosidades.
Bom divertimento!


quinta-feira, 29 de março de 2012

Vaga *** Software Support Engineer ***

para quem tiver interesse há uma vaga aberta no GOM (Global Opportunity Marketplace) para Engenheiro de Suporte a Software na IBM.


Abraços e boa sorte!

Information On Demand @ CALL FOR SPEAKERS !!!

Opa, agora sim!

Estão abertas as inscrições para quem deseja apresentar uma sessão técnica no IOD 2012.

As inscrições vão até 13 de Abril, por isso quem tiver interesse tem apenas 2 semanas para enviar a proposta. Basta clicar no convite abaixo, em submit proposals.

Os tópicos em aberto sao:
    * Information Management
    * Business Analytics
    * Enterprise Content Management
    * Business Leadership

Call for Speakers is now Open!
(**for four weeks only - ends April 13**)

Don't miss this opportunity to submit your team's proposal and your clients' to speak on our most exciting agenda yet.

Help your Customers and Business Partners take Center Stage
Encourage your clients to share their knowledge and real-world experience with their peers in a compelling and insightful agenda that addresses both technical and industry-related topics. Share the details on the website, talk to them about speaking and work with them to submit their proposals by the deadline.  All proposals are due Friday, April 13 at 5:59 P.M. Eastern time.

Prepare your team, your customers and your Business Partners to submit proposals today!

Conference Registration opens May 1.


quarta-feira, 28 de março de 2012

Informix Servers: Downloads and drivers

Pessoal, novas atualizações de PID's Informix no Fixcentral:

- TITLE: Informix_Ultimate_11.50.FC9W2_HPUX_Itanium_64_iFix
- URL: http://www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/quickorder?product=ibm%2FInformation+Management%2FInformix&fixids=Informix_Ultimate_11.50.FC9W2_HPUX_Itanium_64_iFix&source=myna&myns=swgimgmt&mynp=OCSSGU8G&mync=E
- ABSTRACT: PID 2 of Fix pack 9 for Informix Ultimate Edition v11.50 for HPUX running on Itanium-based 64-bit hardware.  See machine and release notes for hardware and software requirements.

- TITLE: Informix_Ultimate_11.50.FC9W2_AIX_pSeries_64_iFix
- URL: http://www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/quickorder?product=ibm%2FInformation+Management%2FInformix&fixids=Informix_Ultimate_11.50.FC9W2_AIX_pSeries_64_iFix&source=myna&myns=swgimgmt&mynp=OCSSGU8G&mync=E
- ABSTRACT: PID 2 of Fixpack 9 for Informix Ultimate Edition v11.50 for AIX running on Power-based 64-bit hardware.  See machine and release notes for hardware and software requirements.

- TITLE: Informix_Ultimate_11.50.FC9W2_LIN_pSeries_64_iFix
- URL: http://www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/quickorder?product=ibm%2FInformation+Management%2FInformix&fixids=Informix_Ultimate_11.50.FC9W2_LIN_pSeries_64_iFix&source=myna&myns=swgimgmt&mynp=OCSSGU8G&mync=E
- ABSTRACT: PID 2 of Fix pack 9 for Informix Ultimate Edition v11.50 for Linux running on Power-based 64-bit hardware.  See machine and release notes for hardware and software requirements.

- TITLE: Informix_Ultimate_11.50.FC9W2_SOL_x64_iFix
- URL: http://www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/quickorder?product=ibm%2FInformation+Management%2FInformix&fixids=Informix_Ultimate_11.50.FC9W2_SOL_x64_iFix&source=myna&myns=swgimgmt&mynp=OCSSGU8G&mync=E
- ABSTRACT: PID 2 of Informix Ultimate Edition v11.50 for Solaris running on x86_64-based 64-bit hardware.  See machine and release notes for hardware and software requirements.

- TITLE: Informix_Ultimate_11.50.FC9W2_HPUX_PA-RISC_64_iFix
- URL: http://www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/quickorder?product=ibm%2FInformation+Management%2FInformix&fixids=Informix_Ultimate_11.50.FC9W2_HPUX_PA-RISC_64_iFix&source=myna&myns=swgimgmt&mynp=OCSSGU8G&mync=E
- ABSTRACT: PID 2 of Fix pack 9 for Informix Ultimate Edition v11.50 for HPUX running on PA-RISC-based 64-bit hardware.  See machine and release notes for hardware and software requirements.

- TITLE: Informix_Ultimate_11.50.FC9W2_SOL_SPARC_64_iFix
- URL: http://www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/quickorder?product=ibm%2FInformation+Management%2FInformix&fixids=Informix_Ultimate_11.50.FC9W2_SOL_SPARC_64_iFix&source=myna&myns=swgimgmt&mynp=OCSSGU8G&mync=E
- ABSTRACT: PID 2 of Fix pack 9 for Informix Ultimate Edition v11.50 for Solaris running on SPARC-based 64-bit hardware.  See machine and release notes for hardware and software requirements.

- TITLE: Informix_Ultimate_11.50.FC9W2_LIN_zSeries_64_iFix
- URL: http://www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/quickorder?product=ibm%2FInformation+Management%2FInformix&fixids=Informix_Ultimate_11.50.FC9W2_LIN_zSeries_64_iFix&source=myna&myns=swgimgmt&mynp=OCSSGU8G&mync=E
- ABSTRACT: PID 2 of Fix pack 9 for Informix Ultimate Edition v11.50 for Linux running on zSeries-based 64-bit hardware.  See machine and release notes for hardware and software requirements.

- TITLE: Informix_Ultimate_11.50.FC9W2_LIN-x86_64_iFix
- URL: http://www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/quickorder?product=ibm%2FInformation+Management%2FInformix&fixids=Informix_Ultimate_11.50.FC9W2_LIN-x86_64_iFix&source=myna&myns=swgimgmt&mynp=OCSSGU8G&mync=E
- ABSTRACT: PID 2 of Fix pack 9 for Informix Ultimate Edition v11.50 for Linux running on x86_64-based 64-bit hardware.  See machine and release notes for hardware and software requirements.

Basta ter o 'entitlement' para poder baixar as atualizações.

*** NOVO *** System Administration for Informix version 11.70 (Exam 919) Preparation Series

Mais um tópico sobre a série de tutoriais preparatórios para a prova 919:

System Administration Certification exam 919 for Informix 11.70 prep, Part 5: Informix backup and restore

Archiving Informix databases


Para quem ainda não possui a certificação da versão 11.70, recomendo a leitura.

quarta-feira, 21 de março de 2012

Portfólio de demonstração gravado de Software IBM

segunda-feira, 19 de março de 2012

VOTEM - 2012 IIUG Board of Directors Election

Novamente o Board do IIUG esta anunciando abertura para votação, para quem tiver interesse segue o link:

Olhem ae os candidatos:

Current Board Members Running For Re-election

Khaled Bentebal, Paris, France
Khaled Bentebal has 24 years of experience on the Informix products. He joined Informix in 1987 in Menlo Park and started the Informix subsidiary in France in 1987. Prior to that, Khaled was the VP of R&D at NEXA Corporation in San Francisco where he designed a famous computer game: SOKOBAN. He has been CEO and Founder of ConsultiX (an IBM/Informix Business Partner Advanced) since 1994 - consulting, training, support, software development and third party applications maintenance. Designed and developed DB-Supervisor: a client/server graphical tool to supervise Informix IDS 7 and 9. Recognized Informix consultant and specialist in France.
Khaled is IBM certified on different versions on Informix Dynamic Server: 9, 10, 11.10, 11.50, 11.70. Khaled is the President of the UGIF (User Group Informix France) and a big fan of Informix.
Gary Ben-Israel, Israel
Since he joined the board in 2004 Gary is speaking without fear for the IIUG members, dedicating many hours to the IIUG board and providing help, guidance and Information to the Informix user community. Gary is currently the editor of the IIUG Insider and the coordinator for EMEA and APAC Local User Groups. Gary is the CIO of Israel's National Institute for testing and Evaluation. NITE's information management systems are running solely on Informix 11.5. Gary is a certified Informix DBA and is leading a project converting all in-house applications to Java. Gary volunteered to the Informix IDS 10, 11.10, 11.5, 11.7 and 12.10 EVP programs and helped writing the IDS 11 DBA test. I promise to continue working hard for the IIUG and representing the International Informix community.
Miguel Carbone, Brazil
Miguel Carbone "MC" has been involved with Informix technology since 1995. He started his professional career as a software engineer developing C/C++ solutions using Informix. He is president and principal consultant of MC Software, an IBM-Informix Consulting, Training, Translator and Tools Partner specializing in software development, data warehouse development, database design, performance tuning, high availability and Informix training and support.
Miguel is also the founder and president of the Brazilian Informix Users Group - BRIUG, a young but enthusiastic group, and has been serving on the IIUG Board of Directors since 2009.
Art Kagel, NJ, USA
Art Kagel has been working with Informix database and development products almost since the beginning. He is a frequent contributor to the IIUG Forums and the CDI Usenet group and a popular presenter at conferences. Art is currently working as a Principal Consultant for Advanced DataTools Corp. providing services to IBM Informix users around the world. He is also a winner of the IIUG Directors Award and was named an IBM Information Champion three years running for his outstanding contributions to the Informix Community. Art has been on the Board for three years and would be honored to be elected to continue this important work.
Cindy Lichtenauer, Lenexa, KS, USA
Serving on the IIUG Board of Directors is both an honor and a privilege. My recent focuses have been on the IIUG Informix Conferences and working as a liaison between the user and IBM. I am proud to say that we will be hosting the FIFTH Informix conference this year in San Diego! The past 4 IIUG Informix Conferences have been a great success and have proved to be the best Informix Conferences in history!.
I have been working with Informix for 20+ years and still have the same passion and energy for the product! I am excited at some of the recent happenings with Informix both inside and outside of IBM. I would love to have your vote so I may continue to serve the Informix community! Thank you.
Stuart Litel, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Current President - IIUG
Stuart Litel is an IT professional with eighteen years experience working with Informix products. His early days with Informix products included beta testing Informix 4GL and Informix SQL versions 1 as well as the first versions of Informix Rapid Development System and Turbo (now known as On-Line). He is one of the country's longest time users and developers of Informix products, and considered an authority and vast resource of Informix database knowledge.
Stuart is also the founder of the New England Informix User Group and remains a very active participant as the group's leader today. Some noteworthy activities within the Informix user community include his technical contributions to various books published on Informix products as well as to the Informix Certification Exams administered by Informix Corporation.
Stuart's professional work experience includes positions as Analyst, Developer, Data Base Administrator, and Project Manager. His knowledge spans the Informix product line and includes the various database engines as well as development tools. He has been a freelance Informix Consultant for more than ten years, providing his expertise to large-scale OLTP, web based and data warehouse systems requiring optimal speed, performance, and precision.
Jean Georges Perrin, Strasbourg, France
Informix must be recognized as the most flexible and reliable database on the market - a leader in data management. My role on the IIUG board is to make this vision reality. Through a new website, a fresh PR campaign and more, IIUG will actively promote Informix as the ideal data tool.
I began using Informix in 1997 with Four J's where I focused on end-user experience. An IIUG board member since 2002, France's first IBM Champion, and CEO of ISV GreenIvory (with Informix-dependent technology), I bring 15+ years experience in software development and 10+ years managing high-technology projects in international environments. Your support is critical to move Informix to the next level of recognition.
Bruce Simms, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Bruce Simms currently works in the Talx/Division of Equifax and has worked in the IT field since 1981. Experience has included both the public and private sectors in application development and support and then database support of Cincom's Total prior to using Informix. Bruce's first introduction to Informix was over 17 years ago and hopes to work with Informix and to help grow the product and to see it regain its' following as the best database for cost of operation and ROI. Bruce has been on the IIUG Conference Panning Committee since the IIUG started running their own conference. He has worked on the committee as a track/session chair and then as the person in charge of sponsors/vendors. Upon joining the IIUG Board of Directors he also works with sponsors.
Kate Tomchik, Marietta, Georgia, USA
Kate is currently an IT Architect for Database Technology at The Home Depot working primarily with Informix, but also with DB2 Linux/Unix/Windows. She was a Database Administrator for her first 12 years, and has been an Architect since then. Prior to The Home Depot, she worked in Ingres and Informix at Lockheed Georgia Company as both a DBA and Data Modeler. She has been a member of the South-East Informix User Group (SEIUG) for the whole 17 years, and was president of SEIUG for the 3 years prior to being elected to the Board in 2005. Through contacts with the user group, she has learned many useful tidbits about Informix that weren't written in any manuals and, whenever possible she, shares this information as the Web Content Manager. Kate is also the User Advocate - which includes collecting lists on new features users would like to see in the next release, as well as a list of vendors that need "encouragement" to upgrade to version 11 and beyond of Informix.

New Nominees Running For Election

Matthew Elders, TX, USA
I have been working with Informix since 2002 and I am currently serving on the Conference Planning Committee for the IIUG conference in San Diego. I believe that IIUG is here to help the day to day Informix users around the world do our job better. We all rely on each other to help get through our tough times and to celebrate our successes. I can't count how many times I've gotten out of a jam by searching the forums or pinging an old colleague to bounce ideas off of. The IIUG is the primary vehicle that many of us take to share our information and ideas, and I feel like it's time for me to give back to this community that I've taken so much from. I feel that my generation of DBAs needs to step up and take the gauntlet of being not only technological leaders, but organizational leaders as well; and I would be honored to represent the membership of IIUG on this board.
Rhonda Hackenburg, Harrisburg, PA, USA
Rhonda has been working with Informix products for 23 years. In her current position as Research and Development Manager, she was instrumental in influencing her organization to continue with Informix after the IBM acquisition. She is currently serving her third year as a member of the IIUG Conference Planning Committee. Rhonda would be honored to be a member of the IIUG Board and will apply her enthusiasm and commitment to ensure Informix remains a viable product of the IBM portfolio.
Vicente Salvador, Spain
I'm Informix Administration Certified and our relationship with IBM/Informix in Spain is excellent. I'm the president of Spanish Informix User Group that tries to be a reference for Informix in Spanish work. Working with databases in a technical and also commercial fashion. I have both visions.
Knowledge of complete Informix portfolio. From 4GL or Genero to IDS Large user Knowledge via our customers and also Spanish Ifmx User Group. Good relationship with IBM/Informix in Spain and also Lenexa. 20 years of Informix experience, including my participation on Informix Beta testers programs. A lot experience on organization, analisis, deployment, business process. Knowledge on language programing (mainly web developing languages).

Pessoal, vamos votar !!!

segunda-feira, 12 de março de 2012

IBM NETEZZA BOOTCAMP de 12 - 15/3 na Tutoia

estou participando do Bootcamp de Netezza nesta semana de 12-15/3. O conteudo do BC esta no Wiki abaixo:

Ate o final da semana passo um overview de como foi.

terça-feira, 6 de março de 2012

*** NOVO *** System Administration for Informix version 11.70 (Exam 919) Preparation Series

dois artigos preparatórios para o exame 919 da certificação de System Administrator para Informix 11.70 já foram finalmente publicados. A parte 4 acabou de ser lançada, e as outras já estão escritas mas aguardando liberação:

System Administration Certification exam 919 for Informix 11.70 prep, Part 3: System activity monitoring

System Administration Certification exam 919 for Informix 11.70 prep, Part 4: Performance tuning

Abraços e boa sorte!

segunda-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2012

IM Bootcamps em Março/2012 *** URGENTE ***

a IBM atualizou a lista de bootcamps de IM recentemente, eis alguns novos:

Bootcamp:   InfoSphere Optim Solutions for Distributed Systems Bootcamp  *** ÚLTIMAS VAGAS!!! ***
(Optim Data Growth, Test Data Management and Data Masking Options)
Data: 13 a 16 de Março de 2012
Local: Green Treinamentos - Av.Paulista, 326 – 12º andar, São Paulo – SP
Horário: 09h00 às 18h
Custo: Gratuito para parceiros de negócios da IBM
Idioma: Inglês
Contacto: "Marcio Jose Barbosa" <marcio@br.ibm.com>

Bootcamp:   InfoSphere Guardium Bootcamp
Data: 19 a 22 de Março de 2012
Local: Green Treinamentos - Av.Paulista, 326 – 12º andar, São Paulo – SP
Horário: 09h00 às 18h
Custo: Gratuito para parceiros de negócios da IBM
Idioma: Inglês
Contacto: "Marcio Jose Barbosa" <marcio@br.ibm.com>

Bootcamp:  DB2 9.7 Bootcamp and Oracle to DB2 9.7 Migration Clinic
Data: 27 a 30 de Março de 2012
Local: Green Treinamentos - Av.Paulista, 326 – 12º andar, São Paulo – SP
Horário: 09h00 às 18h
Custo: Gratuito para parceiros de negócios da IBM
Idioma: Portugues
Contacto: "Marcio Jose Barbosa" <marcio@br.ibm.com>

Inscrevam-se assim que possivel.  Qualquer dúvida entrem em contato com o Marcio Barbosa (marcio@br.ibm.com). Vagas limitadas!!!